Thursday, January 31, 2008

More, More, More

Kieran's doing better - he's on antibiotic (again) for his ears and eyes and he's got eye gunk we need to put in his eyes twice a day. He's doing OK with all of it (Ken had the brilliant idea to put the medicine IN his formula and let him drink it up - I still need to verify with the doctor that this is OK...).

He's got the signing thing down... at least in order to tell us he wants to eat. I guess the appetite finally kicked in, since he's telling us "more" a LOT. He's eating up a storm, we finally figured out that what he wants is to feed himself. He's OK with getting fed at daycare, but not so much at home. He'll let me do a few spoonfuls, then isn't interested. He wants to use his own hands to pick up and eat. He's not terribly interested in learning how to use the spoon himself, but we'll be working on that. Ken said he put him on the scale at the doctor's office (fully clothed) and he was at 21 lbs. I'm hoping that when they go back in for his checkup in a month we'll be able to turn the carseat around. I think Kieran will like that too.

That's pretty much it. We'll all be city-bound on Sunday during the Superbowl as there are a lot of bars in the area who will be showing it and a lot of people coming out to watch it. Don't know what else we'll do this weekend other than run errands and clean house. It's nice to not have every minute scheduled. OK, speaking of schedules, I have to get back to work.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Good luck with the food... the spoon feeding will come in time. If you keep offering the spoon it may take a while but eventually he will pick it up and use it. I worked with one year olds for a long time and most of them would use their hands instead of the spoon until they were closer to 1 1/2 years old, sometimes older. He'll get it. I'm so happy to hear that Kieran's appetite is kicking back in! Yay!