Friday, January 04, 2008

The Long-Awaited Photos and Videos

We have had a wonderful time and I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. We're getting back to a normal-ish schedule between daycare and work. While I had a wonderful time with Kieran at home, I know that he's enjoying being back among the daycare gang. I had a hard time tearing him away from Carolyn tonight.

We learned from his doctor's appointment on Wednesday that Kieran is sick (again), but no ear infection. He still has some liquid on his ears and if this keeps up for another 3 months or so, we may have to get tubes put in his ears. The doctor is hopeful that we won't need this at all, but I know Ken is a bit concerned.

Today is Ken's birthday but we're really going to celebrate tomorrow when my mom is coming by to babysit so we can go to dinner (thanks, G'ma!). That's about all, so enough with the chatter and into the stuff you came here to see!

Ken has posted some great photos, you can see them on his website.


Katie said...

SO CUTE! I love the video of Kieran and Becca! Adorable!

I like the new blog look too. It's not too different, but still a nice change.

Happy New Year to you all!

Jana G said...

Thanks. I took a cue from you and decided on a new look for the blog for the year.