Monday, January 07, 2008

Random Thoughts for Today

I already owe a belated birthday shout-out to Darleen (aka Bubbie). Sorry that it's so late and I hope you had a good time on your special day. This month is just crazy with birthdays. I can't believe that next week Kieran will be one full year old.

I'm going to post a few of my favorite pics from Ken's website (even though I'm sure you've already gone there to look at them all). We still need to figure out a time/day to go and do a professional photo (Debbie, I haven't forgotten!) but Kieran's been sick off and on and when he's not sick, we are.

This weekend was weird. Kieran got sick Friday night but didn't wake up, so slept in it and now reeks (yes, I gave him a bath, two even, and he still stinks) and he didn't eat much all weekend long. He was doing much better last night and while wanting a lot of cuddling this morning, he was still doing better so he's at daycare. He never ran a fever so he's probably OK. It sounds like there's a bit of a stomach bug going around - one of my co-workers had it - so it's possible it's just that, but if his appetite doesn't pick up in the next day, it's back to the doctors for us. (Have I mentioned that I'm getting a little sick of that place?)

OK, enough of my blathering... on to some cool photos!

Here's Kieran in one of his 18 month outfits. They're still pretty big but a lot of his 12 month stuff is starting to get too tight. He's in this weird in-between stage right now. Anyway, I love this photo of him with his little half-smile.

This one is neat because you can see Ken, Kieran and Ochi having a good time with all the presents. Do you think that my MIL went a little crazy? Kieran's pretty happy that she did, though!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Kieran MADE OUT for Christmas! Way to go!

Happy Birthday Aunt Dar!