Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My Platform

With all the Super Tuesday stuff going on, I started thinking what I would campaign on, were I running for President. Here are some of my serious, not-so-serious and completely nutzo ideas:

  • The day should begin at 10 am. This applies to all workplaces (excepting anyplace that will serve me a strong cup of coffee before then). This also applies to children who should learn to sleep in past 5 am.
  • School/education should be more important than a simple campaign promise or a mandate to meet test scores. I think that people who have kids in school should be REQUIRED to be a part of the PTA. I completely understand busy schedules and whatnot but I also think that having a kid is a commitment of a higher order.
  • Coffee should be very strong and served early in the morning - see bullet #1.
  • Healthcare should not bankrupt people.
  • Making sure kids have a sense of humor is key to their being able to function in our society with a modicum of sanity. I propose that George Carlin become our Ambassador of Humor Education.
  • Housework sucks. Everyone should have a maid - even maids. Unfortunately this means that everyone will have to clean someone else's house. But this is usually better than cleaning your own.
  • I think that non-smoking laws are pure genius - BUT, I think they need to take into account the average person's stupidity. Instead of just telling people they can't smoke inside, tell them they can't smoke right by the door either. If I'm going to a smoke-free place, I really don't want to have to wade through smoke to get in the door.
  • People who abuse animals should be abused in the same fashion - if they starved the animal so they should be starved, etc (I'm kinda an eye-for-an-eye gal).
So, this begs the question... what would YOUR platform be? Who do you think you'll vote for? Who are you voting for in the primary? Did your favorite candidate already bow out?

Oh, my final thought - do away with the parties completely. Let everyone vote once for each open position (i.e. you could vote for either Huckabee or Obama, but not both) on a ballot, making everyone an independent. Plus it may mean that people are more open to having a separate opinion from the masses. Anyway....

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