Thursday, January 10, 2008

End of an Era

I dropped Kieran off at daycare this morning only to discover that Miss Rebecca, his first caregiver, is leaving. They're opening a Goddard very close to her house and she's taken a job there. Her last day is tomorrow. I hope I remember to bring in the camera to get a photo of the two of them together. She's excited but also sad, I know that she's gotten very close with some of the kids (our little one included).

Kieran seems to have recovered from his sickness. What's really upsetting, is that it's likely my fault. We have been working on real food with him and he has taken a shine to cheese. Because of this, I've been trying to give him more cheese and other real food at daycare. In our cheese drawer were some string cheese sticks. I thought we had just bought them. Sadly, no, they were from months ago and had expired before I began bringing them to daycare. The individual sticks are not labeled with their expiration date, so I had no idea. I feel awful but it was an honest mistake. *sigh*

Ken has gotten ridiculously busy at the office so I may be on my own the next few nights. He prefers to get home and see Kieran before bed, but it may not be possible. We'll see. This weekend is free - first free weekend in a while - so I plan to enjoy it, if the weather cooperates, we may go to the park to play and practice walking outside. If not, we may just go to the aquarium.

Just seven more days until the big day!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. It's an honest mistake. Us Mommies feel guilty enough as it is. No need to add to it. You're doing a wonderful job and you know it!

Now go out and have a fantastic weekend. It's time to relax and you deserve it!