Thursday, March 06, 2008

Good With Children

No, not me, Kieran. This morning we walked into Infant I and there was a new baby who just started. She was hanging out in the bouncy seat. This is actually Kieran's old bouncy seat the one he couldn't have been bothered less about. Now, when he sees it with another kid in it, he's all over it.

Miss Chrissy was worried because, as she put it, "this one's a screamer" and it doesn't take much to set her off. So, when Kieran made a beeline for her in the bouncy seat, Chrissy was worried. But she should have just counted on his good flirt genes to win the day. While he rocked the baby by pushing on the bouncy seat, and played peek-a-boo a bit, the infant was entranced. She even nearly smiled (she's only 2 1/2 months old). Made me think that Ken & I should get on this adopting thing before he starts to think of babies as challenges for our attention.

Oh well. I was just so amused at how well he did, how well this baby did. Hopefully we'll have another good day on our hands.


Katie said...

Are you thinking seriously about adoption? I had no idea! That's very exciting!!! Oh, and good job with the babies, Kieran...

Jana G said...

Oh yep. Truth be told the plan had always been to adopt and see if my biological clock started ticking (it never did). Kieran was a happy surprise and now our plans to adopt continue (since I had sooo much fun being pregnant, yeah, not really).