Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Can I Get a WHOO HOO!!!

His hearing tested just fine today. Though they warned me not to get too excited because hearing can fluctuate day to day. There is definitely still fluid behind the eardrums but the infection is gone. So a very good news day on the ear front. We will cancel the surgery we had set for the 3rd and schedule another hearing test in about a month. If his hearing continues to test fine, there is no real need for the tubes. The ear specialist suggested that his ears may dry out as the weather warms up. We'll see.

Anyway - on the biting front, he's doing it more and thinking it's funny. I'm getting frustrated but trying to be consistent. I learned the sign for "no" today at daycare so we can be doing the same thing at home. He was in a good mood all morning with me, slept on the way to the doctor's office (he woke up at 4:30 am - thanks Ken!) and played while we were there.

That's it, gotta get to work. I've been out a lot for events and for doctor's appointments and am therefore behind on a few projects. Love to all, thanks for all the good thoughts and wishes. More photos (and hopefully a video of him feeding himself with a spoon) coming soon.


Katie said...


susie21044 said...

yeah! Another WHOO HOO from me!