Kieran was exhausted after daycare yesterday. He slept for a total of 5 minutes on the ride home (mostly because I had to wake him up for a stop at the dry cleaners) and then was not keen on the idea of going to bed at 7, even though he was beat. Finally we realized he was hurting and gave him some Motrin, which seemed to help and he was out shortly after that.
Everything was going OK - he was sleeping alright, only groused and needed to be reassured once or twice - until about 1 or 2 am. That's when the power went out. That's when I woke up. First, understand that we have a baby monitor in
Kieran's room and I sleep with a monitor by my head. We have two sets for the monitor - one that can hold a charge, which we use downstairs before we go to bed; and one that cannot hold a charge which we keep plugged in. When a monitor loses its charge it begins to beep at you. This is actually a good thing since it made me realize the power was out. So I get up and go to sleep on the floor of
Kieran's room, thinking he may wake up and freak because his nightlight is out and its nearly pitch-black in the house.
Well, I don't sleep and he begins to toss and turn. Finally I've had enough, go back to bed but leave the door to his room open (he's about 3 steps from our room) in case he begins to cry. He does wake up 20 minutes later. Ken goes to him and I say "just bring him in here with us". Which Ken does. Only
Kieran has decided this is not comfortable and tosses and turns the entire time.
The lights come back on sometime around 3 (I think) and I suggest to Ken that he put
Kieran back down in his room (but he's sleeping at that point so we leave well enough alone). I still haven't slept yet since I woke up from the power outage. I do manage to fall back
asleep shortly after the power comes back on. About an hour later
Kieran is crying - he's hungry. So, bottle time for him and he goes back to bed at 4:30 am. I do get back to sleep after this (Ken did the bottling and back-to-bedding) and manage to stay
asleep until about 6:30 when
Kieran wakes up for good. So - off and on about 4-5 hours of sleep. Ken thinks he got about the same because he slept for a good while until we brought
Kieran to bed.
Now we're both suffering from sleep deprivation all week long and we have sore throats. So, tonight should be entertaining. We do have some fun plans for the weekend - heading to the convention center to watch some of the Games Workshop folk play their games. Mostly just getting out of the house and wandering around the city.
For anyone who was worried about us and the Domino's Sugar factory fire - we're fine. Our house is nearby (about 15 blocks away) but we were not home at the time of the explosion and the firefighters extinguished the blaze quickly. Now I just have to see if there is powdered sugar everywhere. Have a great weekend everyone (I'm going to tear the house apart to find our camera cable and/or I will go buy a new one). Love to all, will blog again soon.