Monday, July 09, 2007


Having a sick kid is no fun at all. Poor Kieran caught his first daycare cold. Stuffy nose, fever (which has thankfully broken) and a bad attitude. Of course, for him this means that he basically doesn't smile 100% of the time - only about 50% of the time.

He's doing better today - though Ken and I have likely caught this too. I'm feeling like I've been hit by a truck, though that could be from the lack of sleep. Kieran got up at 2 am due to stuffiness and I didn't get back to sleep until 3:30. Ken blessedly took over when Kieran decided he wanted to play at 3 am. I had been up since quarter of two since I heard him over the monitor snorting and coughing.

Like I said, he's doing much better today and is in a better mood. We'll see if daycare calls me to pick him up.

And in Immigration News...
Ken just started his own blog. His is very business-focused on immigration and legal issues surrounding it as well as some information regarding employment and labor law. Check out his blog by clicking on the Ken's Immigration Blog link under Friendly Links. It has some very interesting information on it. If you're vaguely interested in what it is that Ken does, check it out.

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