Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Missing Him Already

Not sure why but it hit me today that Kieran is not with me all day. This has been the case now for 3 months. I guess because I went near where he was at daycare today but didn't stop by (during lunch) because he's usually sleeping around that time and I didn't want to wake him up.

Just having a small pang of missing him. I've got tons of errands to run on Saturday and then Ken has to run to the office for awhile. I think he and I will need to get a sitter soon and take a night out for the two of us. It's been whirlwind for the past two weeks or more and I don't see that ending anytime soon. I miss him too though we see each other every day.

Hopefully we'll have a better feel for the schedule of things in another week or two. Just having an understanding of how our days will flow will help greatly. The getting out in the morning has been easy. It's when we get home and what needs to be done then that's hard to get down pat.

OK back to work. Blog again soon.

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