Friday, September 01, 2006

The Name Game

So, now that I'm fully in hormonal swing, we've decided this is a perfect time to think about names. We've got a few favorites and a few that we keep coming back to, but I'll let you comment, even if I don't pay attention to what you say (everyone reading this knows we'll make up our own dang minds). If you can think of what kids might call a child named this, please do include any possible future taunting in your post - that's what I'm worried about most.

Possible names:
Kieran (pronounced keer-an)

I'll add more as they come, we're only at the N's in the baby names book. Suggestions are welcome but may not be taken seriously!

1 comment:

Gumby13 said...

Ricky Bobby! Ricky Bobby! (ok, maybe I saw that Will Ferrell movie not so long ago...)