Thursday, August 31, 2006

Take Two!

OK, so basically blogger is moving things into a new site and I cannot get access to my original blog, so I'm trying this again on their beta site and hope that I don't have any additional issues.

Things seem to be going well, except my hormones have definitely kicked in. Had a breakdown yesterday when I hadn't felt the baby move all day and Debbie (Ken's mom) has sent us a bunch of baby clothes (she went nuts last weekend at a Kohl's sale). I was convinced last night that it was a bad idea to bring the box into the house and wanted to find out if my mom could hold onto it. I'm a bit more rational today - though I don't think I'll want the box open until I'm a good six months.

We may go registering this weekend for a bunch of things with my brother - he's been kind enough to set aside a ton of baby items for us, including a dresser and clothing and much much more.

That's about it for now, I'm feeling much better and I think I've managed to gain a pound. I've been stuffing myself silly for the past two days and it finally caught up with me this morning. My stomach is pretty full but I'll try to be sure to eat enough calories today. I'm keeping a food journal in case I don't gain enough to make the midwife happy - at least I'll be able to prove to her that I really am eating.

Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for checking in and all the comments - keep 'em coming!

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