Thursday, September 14, 2006

Scary Movies

So, we've signed up for the childbirth class next weekend (its a bit early but Ken will be in finals in November which were the only other dates available) and he and I are both dreading The Film. You all know the one I'm talking about - that film they showed you in 7th grade that made all the girls say "I'm NEVER gonna do that!"

Ken asked if we really had to watch it. I said probably, but I'm bringing popcorn and shouting things at the screen (like "Don't go in there - that's where the doctor is!") as if I were watching a horror movie at home. I then checked with a few guys at my office who have been through this before - they told me it would be perfectly OK to do that. We'll see what our class thinks about it all next weekend.

Somehow I think the little one is getting his revenge on me for this. I've had nothing but nightmares for the past few nights. One night I dreamed about a killer who could stop time - it actually will make a fantastic movie, it had an indie feel to it with great mass audience appeal. It wigged me out so bad I made Ken get up and check the bathroom for the killer. I'm happy to report that Ken and I are both alive - no killers hiding in the bathroom (no zombies either, but that's a story for another day...). Anyway - I had a few other nightmares this week, not a single one about the kid, just about work, zombies, or serial killers (I am so not not normal...). They each wake me up about 1 hour before the alarm goes off. Just early enough that I can't get back to sleep. AARRGH.

That's all for now. Hope all is well with everyone out there. Keep commenting!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Jana mentioned that she made me get up and check the bathroom. However, she forgot the word "again". This is the second or third time this month. lol. I don't have the problem of not getting back to sleep though, so its all good.

Gumby13 said...

I just have to say that having zombie nightmares is PERFECTLY NORMAL! Ok, if it's not then I am in big trouble. (I have definitely watched way too many zombie movies -- of course now I want to watch some of those British zombie movies -- see the horrible cycle?) Or you can just blame it on the hormones -- that's what is cool about being pregnant, you can always blame it on that!