Monday, September 11, 2006

The Fear of Dad

So, first let me say thanks to everyone who's been commenting - I love to know that I'm not just writing this for my own benefit. Being pregnant is really weird, and sharing it with the world is a little stranger. Oh well, I guess that's normal for any blogger.

This weekend was entertaining - specifically yesterday. Ken and I decided, kinda spur-of-the-moment to head to IKEA to get some bookshelves to replace the system we had in the living room. Mainly we wanted to hide all the wires we had everywhere - make it a little more baby-safe.

We didn't exactly plan to get the system we did. And our only vehicle is a Honda Civic, not exactly the most roomy of vehicles. Our inital plan was to go to IKEA, pick up the system then head over to Wegmans for our grocery shopping, then back home. Well, the IKEA bookshelves we got were a lot taller than the items we had been thinking about when we left the house. In order to put them into the car and be able to close the trunk, I had to sit right up on the steering wheel. Ken got a little bit more legroom (only because he's nearly 6 feet and I'm only 5 feet). We had to stop and get gas and Ken was frantic about me sitting so close to the airbag - so we switched places.

I wish I had a camera to show you just how silly it looked for Ken to sit that close to the steering wheel. His head was touching the roof of the car. He, however, had insisted that he prefer to do that instead of me driving as "If something goes wrong, it's only me that gets hurt." We realized - after we were on the road, of course - that the logical thing was to move the seat up on the passenger side so the driver could sit back. The passenger side does have an airbag, but not one that is right in the steering wheel, so it was a little more comfortable on the way home.

Anyway - I guess Ken's paternal instinct is already kicking in. He wants to protect the little one as much as possible. Its so sweet, and kinda funny at the same time, we were both laughing so hard as he drove, he'd make weird exclamations "I'm looking out of the blue!" (referring to the top, tinted portion of the windshield) and we'd both giggle. I'm really glad he's excited and I'm also very happy he drove - it was REALLY uncomfortable being that close to the wheel. Which is also funny considering how close I normally have to sit in order for my feet to reach the pedals.

We'll definitely be writing this story up for the baby book. I'm not sure how best to title it, suggestions on the title are welcome!

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