Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Origin of Spike

Ok, so several people have asked me where the heck "Spike" came from. A quick note on this and then back to work for me....

When we first found out I was pregnant we saw what looked like a dot on the ultrasound images. For a long time we called the baby-to-be Dot in honor of this image.

As the kid grew he/she (because we didn't know at that point) looked more like a baby and less like a dot. We couldn't keeping calling him/her that for much longer. After we got our amnio results and knew that we had a normal boy on our hands, I got a lot of flack for continually calling him Dot. One of my co-workers began teasing me that it was "Baby Spike" the nickname stuck. Like I've said, Spike will NOT be the kid's name, just what we'll call him for now.

As an aside, my brother's kids were known as Peperoni (Zack), Broccoli (Becca) and Zucchini (Pete) respectively when they were in the womb. A different co-worker names the kids to be via a Last Name + McBean naming convention (Gauvey McBean). Just some ideas for those thinking of getting knocked up. OK, back to work.


Anonymous said...

Jana, love, congratulations on passing your hurdles thus far. Things will be fine.

Really enjoy your blog.


Anonymous said...

Ok, So Sammi was called Lizard the entire time I was pregnant because my brother thought that's what she looked like on the ultrasound picture. He still calls her that and she is 8. I Like Devin. Good Irish name and all that.


Anonymous said...

Although I don't even know, my husband told me to check out your blog. i am guessing he is the co-worker who coined the term "baby spike." Anyways, I really enjoyed reading your posts, and I will check back regularly as well as pass your blog along to a pregnant friend who can probably relate to everything you are going through.

I have a Devin at school. She is adorable, smart, and loves to read! Great name!!!
Take care!!