Friday, December 29, 2006

Breech Baby

We're getting down to the wire here and Kieran is still in the breech position. The good news? He's in the position most likely to turn. I'm going to need to do some strange sitting positions to try and encourage him to switch around. If he doesn't do that in the next two weeks, I will likely have a scheduled c-section. The funniest thing I learned today is that if I go in for for a c-section and they ultrasound me only to learn the little one has turned, they'll induce me right then and there. They don't want to send me home and risk him turning back around.

Other than that, everything is on track. I'm still measuring small (33 inches with the tape measure from my pelvic bone to the top of the fundus), but that's to be expected at my height. I gained only the anticipated 2 pounds (one pound per week is ideal at this point 1/2 of which is likely baby). I'm getting really tired, mostly from lack of sleep. The midwife suggested (and has Ken) that I do what I can to nap. I'm trying everything I know, but so far nothing is working to induce sleep for me. Hopefully when Kieran's here, exhaustion will take over and I'll be able to sleep when he does.

Ken started the bar review courses this week - and he's not happy about it. They run from 6pm to 10 pm each night. He studies about 6 hours each day before class even begins. It's really like being a first-year law student all over again. It pretty much sucks. On the positive side, he's kicking butt on his trial exams for the multiple choice. The other positive - this is only 10 weeks instead of one year.

I interviewed my first pediatrician today. She was nice and the practice seems nice as well. I still want to do at least one other interview before settling on a pediatrician. I liked their approach but I am concerned because they are in Columbia (about 1/2 hour from where we live) and might be difficult to get to in an emergency. Ken and I will probably need to start talking about another car or me taking mass transit to work when I go back in April - we'll see.

If I don't talk with you before then, have a WONDERFUL new year!

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