Tuesday, December 12, 2006

It's All Good

I'm not pre-eclampsic. Kieran is still sitting breech - he's in the pike's breech position, meaning his feet are in front of his face and he is head up towards my head still.

He's on the small side - in the 30% percentile overall instead of being average, but again, because I am not terribly tall this is not cause for concern. They were more worried that I might be leaking amniotic fluid, which it seems I am not (due to ultrasounds) so we have to wait on the culture to determine what's going on there - probably some type of infection, most of which are easily treatable even during pregnancy.

So, I breathe a sigh of relief and head back to work. Love to all and I'll blog again soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Jana - I am certain you are relieved. I'd have given the same advice as Micki - Don't freak! Of course, for those of us that read "What to Expect" do freak at anything that seems out of the norm.

Do try to enjoy these last few weeks - even with the little bumps in the road. In the end, you will have that precious little one to hold and I'm sure it will seem like you already know him.

thank you for including me in your circle of family and friends! Can't wait to read more!