Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Tour

Took our hospital tour last night of Howard County General. It was a world of difference between that and University of Maryland where we took our childbirth class (though we really did get a lot out of that class). It was much homier and they had more facilities than Maryland. Plus they've got a Level III NICU, should we need it.

The things I didn't like were that if I don't end up in labor - meaning if I end up just going c-section - I don't get the really homey room, just an operating table and then a small recovery room. The good part is the baby can stay with me the entire time (unless I'm in the shower and there is no one else in the room to take care of the baby). We'll see if the little guy turns, I'm beginnning to have my doubts that he'll ever get out of the breech position.

A few things of note have happened - first and foremost, I've been EXTREMELY neglectful and haven't given my photographer (my dad) any credit for his help in both taking the photos of the baby shower and his help in moving/setting up the nursery furniture. Sorry, dad, I do get a little me-centric these days....

Next a great big wow and thank you to Marilyn (my step-mother-in-law) for the beautiful plush name thingy she made for Kieran's room. It's amazing and Ken and I think it really adds something to the room. We'll be putting it up over his crib.

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