Monday, December 24, 2007

Spotted Kieran

Not a type of dessert I have concocted, but what he looks like right now. Kieran is likely allergic to penicillin. On Sunday Kieran woke up with what looked like pimples on his face. We noticed it was also on his neck and ears so called the doctor. While I ran errands, Ken took Kieran in to the emergency pediatrics place and they gave us a new antibiotic, prescribed Children's Benedryl and a hydrocortisone cream.

Today he was just about the same. The doctor yesterday said that the rash should clear up fairly quickly so we called his regular pediatrician and Ken took him in for a second look. They asked that we take him off all antibiotics (he still has an ear infection but it is not in danger of rupturing right now), upped the dosage on the Benedryl and we'll be back into the doctor's office on Wednesday.

They said he's likely allergic to penicillin and all types of antibiotics derrived from it. They're concerned because the hives are pretty bad but they should go away after he's not on anything for 48 hours. Which means his Christmas eve and Christmas day photos will have the hives in them (poor baby), but that the day after (Wednesday) he should be fine.

OK, I've got to go back to work - I missed Thursday of last week so today is my makeup day. I'll try to blog during the rest of this week. Happy Holidays all!

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