Monday, December 10, 2007

He's Figured Out Those Legs!

Yeah, he's walking. We have a video of it (he looks a little like Godzilla or Frankenstein's monster) but we haven't figured out how to get the video off the camera and onto a website just yet. He's been able to walk for awhile now but this weekend it truly became his preferred mode of movement.

Weekend was good, but I caught Kieran's cold so I'm tired and cranky and sore. Ken hasn't gotten much sleep between me hacking up a lung and Kieran waking up early (though he tends to go right back to sleep). Ken's on his own again for 3 days this week but then I've only got one more week of work and I'm home with the bugger for one full week (and then some). I'm looking forward to it.

That's it, gotta get a decent amount of work done between now and the time I leave tomorrow. Just wanted to say - He's walking! We're so excited and proud of him.

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