Thursday, April 26, 2007

Super Poopy Diaper Boy vs. The Nap

I refuse to sleep. Sleep is for the weak. I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't...soo tired. I will cry to keep myself awake. The beings caring for me try to lull me into unconsciousness. I resist. I am Super Poopy Diaper Boy, I need no naps. They cannot trap me.

At night I will succumb. I need some sleep and the larger beings seem to sleep when I do. I won't miss anything then. During the day however I must stay awake and learn as much as I can about the world around me. It is, after all, my mission.

The crying works. I am awake and refreshed with a second wind. The larger being is not pleased with me but puts up with it. He is a good sport. I will smile at him to show him I appreciate him trying so hard. He likes that.

The shorter being returns in the evening and I cry for her for a bit, just to show the taller being that it's not just him. When he's not looking, I smile at her. She makes faces back at me and I like that. We exchange weird faces for a while. Then we go to bed for the night.

Take that naps everywhere! I won't succumb! I won't submit! I am... SUPER POOPY DIAPER BOY!

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