Friday, April 27, 2007

Ghost Baby?

This will be a quick one.

Ken's been saying for weeks that he's so tired because he wakes up and hears Kieran crying, but when he checks the monitor, there are no lights and he realizes that he was not hearing what he thought. He chalked it up to being Mr. Mom and hearing Kieran cry so much during the day that he was anticipating it at night. There were a few times I thought I heard Kieran crying when he wasn't, but didn't really think much of it.

Until the other day when I was in the shower and I heard a baby crying clear as day. When I got out of the shower I checked with Ken - no crying. Plus, would be REALLY hard to hear over the rush of water. I told Ken that maybe he hadn't been going crazy before and perhaps there is a ghost baby in the house (the house was built in the 1890s).

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