Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Weekend

Nothing exciting this weekend. We had a good time at Tumble Bees again yesterday (so much so that Kieran asked if we could do it again today) and he did better listening to the teacher. We'll see if the trend continues. It didn't hurt that it was balance beam week, one of Kieran's favorite activities. After his nap we went for a walk to the market to pick up grapes and then wandered around the local comics store before heading home.

Today Kieran stayed in his room until I got up at 8. He was awake and wandering around but has taken our "QUIT GETTING OUT OF BED AT NIGHT AND COMING INTO OUR ROOM" conversation a little too much to heart. Ken talked with him about it today and we'll see if he does better tomorrow. We watched some Dora and then I took off to the grocery store. Ken was going to take Kieran to the Aquarium but on the way Kieran said he was hungry so they just went for a walk and then came home for lunch. After I got back (and he had not napped) we asked if he still wanted to go, he said yes and before we ever got there, he fell asleep. He has now been asleep for 2 1/2 hrs. I fear that bedtime tonight will not be easy.

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