Monday, February 01, 2010

It's a Small World

On Friday night we had someone viewing our house. Because we had to stay away until 6:30, I took Kieran to dinner at McDonalds by daycare. We got home right on time and met Ken who was walking Ochi. He said that the couple viewing the house were running late and had just gotten there. It was cold and getting late so I said "I don't care." and walked into the house. A woman I used to work with was there with her fiance. Was so funny - the last time I saw her Kieran wasn't even a year old. Kieran liked her right off, he ran to her and gave her a big hug (on the leg - this woman is TALL). Just funny what a small world it is sometimes.

Kieran got some nice kudos from Miss Chris at Tumble Bees this weekend. She said that she was surprised at how quickly Kieran's taken to the class and that he's very good at it. Normally for boys his age it takes until the next class session starts for them to really "get it". Now, as you well know, Kieran was not very good at the warm-ups. But this week he did all the warm ups without any fuss. He listened, followed directions and took turns. I worried at first that he was only into the tumbling part of Tumble Bees, but now he seems to like it all.

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