Saturday, January 02, 2010

Happy Birthday Bubie!

First:  Happy New Year to everyone. We spent new year's eve at my brother's party (brought Ochi and stayed the night to avoid driving home). Guess who was a party animal staying up until 1 am? That's right, our boy Kieran. The following day we drove home after lunch and Kieran fell asleep for a three and a half-hour nap. We all had a blast at the party with kids galore, a lot of food and some wonderful company.

Today is Darleen's birthday so after a trip to the toy store to spend the money that Oma and Opa gave Kieran for Hanukkah (he got some blinking light cars and toy food) we went to the mall where Ken and I got long overdue haircuts (Kieran got his earlier in the week), then off to Bubie and Zadie's house to celebrate Dar's birthday with the family. Kieran had a great time with his cousins and Bubie and Zadie. One of his favorite things was to use Ken's phone as Pete (my brother's youngest) used the same app on his iPod Touch. The two of them would play the same things over and over. He crashed early tonight, before 7 pm, but then woke up briefly to go potty, brush teeth and get into jammies before getting back to sleep at 8. Pray for me, I wake up with him tomorrow and somehow must try to get him to some type of regular schedule on Monday.

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