Monday, June 15, 2009

Everything's Busy

Sorry I haven't posted as much lately. On a quick lunch break at work right now and figured I'd fill everyone in on the latest details and developments.

Over the weekend Ken and I went kayaking, which was tons of fun. Thanks in HUGE part to my brother and his wife's generosity in babysitting Kieran all day long. Kieran was so excited to see his cousins, he talked about it most of the week and when we were about to go he was ready to give us a hug and kiss and be off to play with Zack, Becca and Pete. He didn't nap, but did crash on the way home at 8 pm (usually his bedtime is 8pm and he's asleep around 8:30 or 9).

On Sunday Ken & Kieran went for Kieran's last swimming lesson for a few weeks (I hope to get him re-signed up today for the next set). If he can't be part of those lessons, we'll try to have a standing time to take him to the pool every weekend and play in the water. He enjoys it and asks to go so we don't want to stop the momentum. I think when the outdoor pool is open that'll be even better.

Tomorrow Kieran and I go to the doctor. Kieran is still coughing quite a bit and the doctor wanted to see him after his last appointment if he was still coughing regularly at the end of May. So, there's that. I'll post tomorrow night to followup. I may not know anything at that point because the doctor mentioned he may want to take an Xray of Kieran's lungs and I don't know if we can get that done tomorrow (or if the doctor will still want to). We'll see. OK back to the grind.

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