Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Update and Videos

I feel I've been neglectful lately in blogging about the anecdotes of Kieran's day-to-day. Sleep is an ongoing battle but we're managing. Unfortunately it's going to mean that we have a few nights where he cries for awhile before sleep, but at least he knows we're serious about bedtime. My sister-in-law is going to loan me her book about parenting a willful child. My kid, stubborn, oh no! Wherever did he get that trait from? (wait, don't answer that)

Most of the time he's a great kid. He's running around like crazy, loves to move his body. We're starting swim lessons this Saturday. Not sure how he's going to react to it. On the cruise he was not keen on the idea of getting into the pool and getting him into the ocean was hard as well. We'll see. The whole point of this first class really is to acclimate him to the water. I'll try to post Saturday night or Sunday to tell you how it goes.

He's talking up a storm asks repeatedly "what's that?" I try to answer but many times he will ask without pointing at anything. He loves to learn new words and even read Ken's handwriting upside down. Of course, now I have the silly idea that I could maybe teach him to read. He knows all his letters and he knows the sounds for the letters so its just putting it all together.

This is a little video of Kieran singing his ABCs. It was early hence the crazy hair and PJs.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the video of Kieran singing his ABC's! He is soooooo adorable!