Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tall Man, Little Head

He was a champ with his shots (I chickened out and left before they gave them to him) and is doing well today.

He now weighs 12 lbs 15 oz (12th percentile), has a head circumference of 15 3/4" (5th percentile) and is 24 3/4 inches tall (45th percentile). He jumped from the 20th percentile to 45th in height. So weird.

OK back to work. He's fine, might start solid foods soon. We're probably going to have to switch his forumla and I'm going to be stuck breastfeeding/pumping until he's at least a year old unless I stop producing milk. The doctor said any breastmilk I could give him was better than none. Oh well. No wine for me for a while!

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