Thursday, May 17, 2007

Our Four Month Old

Holy crap he's four months old today. I don't know that I ever really anticipated him being anything other than a cute little blob, but he's starting to be a little boy.

For the first time today he hurt himself. He was playing with Ken and while he was smiling and laughing he head-butted Ken. He started crying right away. After a minute I had Ken hand him to me and he started smiling and laughing again. I think he was actually milking his hurt with Ken a bit. Little stinker.

Big things going on for us right now. Ken is going to go to the AILA conference (that's the American Immigration Lawyers Association) in Orlando, FL. I'll be at home with Kieran that week. I'm both excited and nervous about being there 24/7 for the little man. Plus the fact that I'm not sole caregiver anymore.

Ken's working hard to launch a law firm and trying to get a job working for someone. Whichever one makes us money first wins :-). He does this while taking care of Kieran all day long. It's very impressive.

Not much else. Ken sold his motorcycle on eBay (we got more for it than we had hoped) and we've got a few other things that will follow it on the big yard sale on the web. I keep saying to Ken "It's so weird. We're parents!" To which he laughs and responds "I know." I think he's agreeing with me. It's weird. But we're enjoying it. Love to all.

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