Monday, August 08, 2011

Still Waiting

So initial results are in and we don't know anything yet. Basically the first test came back negative but that just means that the drs have to run secondary tests, not that she does not have MCADD.

Back to waiting for 2-3 weeks. UGH.

I have survived the first week at home with both kids. It's definitely challenging and Kieran has been acting up more than usual. He's upset about not being the spotlight person all the time, though he still dotes on Amelia (hugs and kisses her every day, makes artwork for her, etc). I don't believe he truly understands why he is so frustrated or angry, but whatever the reason we're teaching him the behavior is not acceptable. He's getting it - slowly but surely.

Mia has gained weight nicely, I'm certain she's over 8 lbs now. Still mostly breastfeeding which is different than it was with Kieran, but we did more to establish my milk supply this time. I must say it is nice not to have to drop $100 per month on formula. At least so far. I'm hoping that I can keep pumping enough for her (or at least more than half of what she needs) until she no longer needs formula when she's a year old. We'll see. I only made it to 6 months with Kieran and once I go back to work it will definitely become a challenge to keep up with pumping.

Speaking of work, my plan is to head back right after labor day. Initially I was going to go back the week after that, but Kieran actually starts his new school the week before. Mostly I just wanted to be home the week that he starts at his new school, to help with the transition. This week we're going to be meeting up with some of the kids who will be in his class at the new school. We plan to meet up a few times before school starts so the kids know each other before the first day. I'm excited because we haven't done enough to help Kieran make friends around here and I'm looking forward to not being his sole means of entertainment on the weekends. If he's got friends around, we can work on playdates, etc.

And, in other family news...
My mom and grandmother are doing OK after my grandfather's passing. I miss him a lot, he was an amazing person. However, given his state of being it feels nearly peaceful, his passing. We plan on choosing a hebrew name for Mia that will honor his memory. Kieran does not quite understand death yet (and it makes me crazy all his "I'm gonna make you dead/I'm gonna kill you" superhero talk). We had this exchange last week walking to the science center:

Me: I need to call Oma, we'll probably visit her this weekend.
Kieran: And Opa?
Me: No, sweetie, Opa is dead. We won't see him again.
Kieran: Why?
Me: Because he's dead. Do you remember when we put dirt on the box in the ground? That was Opa's body, it was a way to say goodbye.
Kieran takes a minute or two to think this over. Kieran: I miss Opa.
Me: Me too.

Mom is doing well after her last bit of chemo. Right now she's been consulting with doctors about her next steps. Surgery will likely be later this month and then recovery will be another month or so after that. Soon as I know more, I'll let everyone know.

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