Sunday, August 28, 2011

Natural Disasters

It's been a very strange week. Tuesday we had the earthquake (and if I hadn't grabbed her out of the pack n' play, Mia probably would have slept through it), yesterday we had a hurricane. All through the week we've been working on sleeping in the crib and dealing with flight issues. First Grandma's, then Ken's.

The earthquake was strange. I was on the phone with Ken when it happened. Felt like the house did a shimmy, twice. Lasted less than 30 seconds overall, but it was frightening. Ken's first thought when I tried to explain was that perhaps our neighbors had done something to the foundation. My first thought was earthquake and then I went outside to see if it was our neighbors only to see everyone who was home out of doors asking "are you OK?" and "did you feel that?".

Debbie was supposed to be landing just as the earthquake struck but her original flight had engine trouble and she was put on a later flight. She made it here on Tuesday, just much later in the day. Mostly we've hung out, done way too much shopping and generally just had some Grandma/Amelia time. Right now they're napping together. So cute.

Ken and Kieran were supposed to be home yesterday. Friday night their Saturday flight was cancelled and they were put on a flight coming in at 9 am today. Then that flight was cancelled as well. Now they'll be home (hopeully) around 9 tonight. Grandma will definitely miss time with Kieran as he starts school tomorrow.

Met Kieran's teacher, Ms. Tiernan. She's got 5 years experience teaching Kindergarten and seemed to have a good handle on everything. Kieran will be in a class of 22 kids total. I forewarned Ms. Tiernan that Kieran can be something of a teacher's pet - but I think he'll love his new school. Especially once he's able to do some playdates with his new classmates.

Amelia's sleep training has been going well. Still having some issues getting her down to begin with but once she is asleep she sleeps well - until I have to wake her 6 hrs later for a feeding (still no results on her tests), then she usually sleeps for another 2-3 hrs. Right now it seems like her bedtime is 10 pm (ish) which may be good because Kieran will already be in bed asleep so if she needs a few more "put downs" he'll (hopefully) sleep through her cries. I'm very excited to have Ken back and now we can even sleep in the same bed... amazing.

Today we'll be putzing around the house, taking some walks to see the damage around the neighborhood and just generally taking it easy until we pick them up. Next week is my last week at home... we start daycare and back to work the day after Labor Day. I'm starting to freak out about leaving Amelia with what will be strangers to her on Tuesday, but what choice do I have? I know once she gets fed by them she'll calm down... and that if they need me I'm only 5 minutes away.

In other news, my mom got her surgery date - Sept 19th. I'll take the day off and hang at the hospital and I know we'll work out some after-surgery schedule as well. OK, that's about all the news I've got. Love to all blog again soon.

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