Went in for my final sonogram today. Everything is good, bloodflow is good, baby currently weighs in around 5 lbs 6 oz (estimated based on measurements they took). Still a girl - yes, I made them double-check.
Ken laughed at me for doing the double-check. I was freaking out about it this morning (had a hard time sleeping last night which left my brain WAY too much time to worry on things). I was worried because I knew my mother-in-law has gone and bought everything pink or purple within 3 states of her. Because we have so many baby clothes for a girl, because I don't have a back-up boy name. So many 'becauses'.
Anyway, the tech swore I asked her last time to double-check (I don't remember that - I do remember asking to confirm there was only one), but hey, I'm the one operating on low sleep so I guess I should take her word for it.
Crib is set up, monitor is set up, bringing up our glider and ottoman from the basement tonight. Mostly done with the Great Gauvey Move of 2011. Kieran went into the baby's room last night asking "is she here yet"? I know how you feel, kiddo, I truly do.
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