Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Great Gauvey Move of 2011

The upstairs bedroom was finished this past week by our contractor. Ken moved us upstairs (bed and one dresser) on Saturday. Sunday we mostly ran around and finished moving ourselves out of what would soon be Kieran's room.

Yesterday, Ken moved Kieran into our old bedroom - which is really 2 rooms in one. He now has a playroom as well as a bedroom. It's supercool. Oh, and Ben 10 stickers for his walls. Kieran was so excited by his new room he played in there for 3 hours (at least 1/2 of that by himself). He even slept just fine without his nightlight on and in a completely new room. We'll see if the trend continues.

The nursery is last on the list. This coming weekend, I'm going to finish going through the clothes that Kieran has in there, figuring out what is giveaway (or sell) of things too small for him, emtpy his old dresser and basically just clean. We'll be cleaning the upstairs library and bathroom as well (and by we, I mean me), doing huge donations to Goodwill and the Library and basically just getting it ready for the crib to be set up (Ken has decreed I am not to set up the crib myself).

Now, onto the doctor's report. I went today for my checkup and was pleasantly surprised to see I had gained only 1 pound since my last visit (2 weeks ago, but I'll take it). I have a final sonogram on the 10th and then another drs appt on June 13th and from there I go each week until I deliver.

The Girl Has TurnedI was anticipating another c-section. Every time we went in for a sonogram (and I've had 5 or so now), she was sitting breech, just like Kieran. I even explained to Kieran how he was born, just getting him ready for the thought that I would have a line on my belly again.

But lo and behold, the girl moved around and is now head-down. What this means is that I can go into labor and not have a c-section, but the doctors will not induce me. I looked at the stats/risks on doing what is called VBAC (for those interested, you can look it up) and have decided that if I go into labor, I'll let it happen. Working on scheduling my c-section now and I should have that date shortly. But, if I go into labor before that, we'll let her come the way she wants to. OK, enough for now. I knew it had been awhile so wanted to blog for all those die-hard blog readers. Love ya. Blog again... uh, eventually.

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