Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nearly There

I'm a little less than 3 weeks to my due date. I now have to go every week for check-ups and sonograms. They will do what is called a BPP (Bio Physical Profile) of the baby because I am of AMA (Advanced Maternal Age). Or, as the sono tech said yesterday "Ancient". She was allowed because she's either my age or older. And she said it with irony/sarcasm, not in any way intended to be mean.

The baby was sucking her thumb as we watched yesterday, took a few practice breaths and should now weigh about 6 lbs. She's in the 40/50 percentile right now in terms of weight and all seems well.

I still have a few bits and bobs to do to get ready (like pack my bag for the hospital in case I pop before my c-sec), but we're mostly done. I desperately want to clean house but I run out of steam fairly easily at the end of the day. I don't get tired (oddly, because I'm not sleeping great) but I just don't have energy to do one more thing. Frustrating because I really wanted the house to be in better shape by now. Oh well - I'll have plenty of time in July for that, I expect.

Kieran continues to expand his vocabulary and tell some great stories. His sense of humor is... shall we say Lipshultz-esque? Mostly fart jokes and saying the word "butt". I hope to take a few pictures soon and post here of all the changes we made to the house. Kieran's room is great and he voluntarily goes to his room to play (now that he has plenty of space to do so) for HOURS. He was upset to learn that he won't be at school for a month, but I've got him looking forward to doing day-trips with me and the baby to local farms, to our library for story time, to the science center (oh, yeah, that's another thing I have to do....), to the zoo, etc. He wanted to know if he could come visit his old school too, I checked with the administrators and they said he would be welcome to come for a visit (and they wanted to see the baby).

Still a bit freaked out at the idea of being home with 2 kids, but I think it will be great for all of us. Kieran's ready for the baby to be here so is Ken (now that the carseat is coming) but I can stand to wait a bit longer... not by much because DANG is this uncomfortable. OK, back to work for me. Love to all blog again later.

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