Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Kieran, the collected stories

I haven't blogged in awhile. For those who have not heard, my company underwent a merger, announced one week before I headed out on vacation. I'll be part of the new organization but we've got quite a bit of work ahead and I've got a new system to learn.

Kieran has been highly entertaining and I have many stories to tell. This will be one of those weird stream of consciousness blogs, so try to keep up.

During vacation Kieran and Becca (our niece) shared a room. The first morning we were there, Becca woke him up. When they were upstairs getting breakfast my brother asked Becca why she did that. Becca said she didn't know. "C'mon Becca, think about it." replied Kieran. When pressed, he added "My dad says that to me a lot."

Towards the end of the week, Kieran woke Becca up. When asked why he did that he replied "She was asleep."

One day I was sitting upstairs with most of the grown-ups when Kieran came up and said "Mommy, I need to show you something. C'mon." He gestured to me, took my hand and led me downstairs. I thought he'd built a fort with his cousins or drawn something he wanted me to see. However, I was shown poop (one of the dogs). "Why did she do that?" he asked, "That's disgusting!"

We had an amazing vacation - beach and pool every day with great food done family style each evening. Kieran loved swimming and was not afraid of the water at all. I know he misses his cousins and his push for Ken and I to give him a sibling has increased.

This past weekend Kieran was playing with his action figures. He has many, but on Sunday he decided to be Supergirl. "Look, I have boobies." Kieran said, touching the plastic figure's chest. Ken and I both admonished him with the standard "That's fresh." Kieran got this mischievous look in his eye, smiled and pointed to Supergirl's chest. Ken saw this and said "Kieran, even pointing is fresh." "Yeah," he replied, "but it's funny."

Can't argue with that. I'll try to blog more soon. We start our official soccer league this week, should be fun.

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