Thursday, September 09, 2010

Big Boy Bed

This past weekend we bit the bullet and bought Kieran a twin bed. Ken and I have been talking about this for awhile as many nights we would come into Kieran's room and he'd be asleep on the floor, in the closet or half on-half off his bed in a near-standing position.

I had asked Ken to wait because a few months ago, Kieran had the option of sleeping on the floor or in a big bed and he chose the floor. During our vacation, he slept in a full bed (bottom part of a bunk) and loved it. Afterwards, we asked him if he'd like his very own big bed. Kieran said yes.

This weekend was supposed to be about seeing what was available, and getting more information. Wouldn't you know? Ikea had just what Kieran wanted, mattress and all. He's loving his new bed and we love being able to lay down on his bed and read with him each night.

Oh, and if anyone wants an idea of what Kieran likes right now - the Pigeon books by Mo Willems are his favorites. We have Pigeon Wants a Puppy and Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late. More are always welcome. :-)

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