Monday, September 24, 2007

Day Tripping

Ken took a foray to South Carolina to see Ben graduate from the Marine Corps. Ben will now head home and then to (fill in location with desert here). We just don't know yet. We'll find out more in a few weeks. We're all worried but also excited for him - this is a brand-new chapter in his life and I know he'll make the most of this opportunity. Ken said he didn't realize just how tall Ben was because he had always slouched so much. See how tall Ben is now by checking out the photos.

I'm here in Indianapolis for the CAD Camp that's happening tomorrow. Work work work for me. My very first trip away since Kieran was born (without Kieran, I mean) and I'm missing Ken and Kieran something fierce. It's going to be fine, but it will also be weird not seeing them at the end of the day today.

Also, we just found out that Ken broke both his legs. Well, ok, stress fractures - but still fractures! He's probably going to end up on crutches for a few weeks (maybe months) and no real exercise that involves his legs. Just upper body.

OK, gotta finish up here and go back to the hotel for the night. Big day tomorrow and probably won't blog again for a bit. Love to all.

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