Monday, June 17, 2013

Magical Memory

I wanted to commit this memory to the blog before it faded too much. The weekend was wonderful celebrating Father's Day but really, my best day was Friday.

Kieran came to the office with me and was angelic. Did not complain or get upset for having to sit for 8 hours while I worked. We dropped off and picked up Amelia without incident. Ken got home just a tad bit before us and we all went for a walk after dinner since it was so nice outside. We stopped and got cat food and on the way back home walked past a new ice cream shop that opened about a block from our house.

They were having a kids night. Kieran begged for us to stay, even suggesting he'd give up going to the fireworks later that night (it was Flag Day) at Fort McHenry. We stayed for an hour or so when I told him it was time to go. I offered to still let him go to the fireworks which he was excited about. So, after talking with Ken, grabbing a few things from the house, Kieran and I set out. (Mia had already gone to bed by the time we'd gotten back from the ice cream shop)

We walked halfway there and waited for the bus to take us the rest of the way. The sun was setting and the fireflies started to come out. Kieran's been addicted to Wild Kratts and they had an episode on fireflies, so he's all about it. I taught him the trick to catching them (bring your hand up from underneath, not from the sides). We got on the bus and all he could talk about was the fireflies.

After we arrived at the Fort, I high-tailed it over to find a good spot, worried the fireworks would begin any minute. Luckily, I found a nice spot near a small batch of trees that provided excellent grounds for lightning bug catching. Kieran had a very smart plan and brought along a hat that lit up so I knew where he was in the dark. I let him wander pretty far away to go play and catch lightning bugs. Then, when the fireworks started, I showed him that if he laid down and looked at the sky, the fireworks would seem like they were coming right at him. He loved that too.

It was pretty late by the time we trudged back to the bus, but Kieran was nearly wired for sound (so was I). He'd had an amazing day - more excited by the bugs than the fireworks. The whole evening was just so magical. No fighting, no fussing - just enjoying each other's company and watching him have a blast.

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