Wednesday, June 05, 2013

A Break in the Action

We've been going non-stop since February with activity after activity. From tournaments in March to a piano recital this past weekend. Kieran has been crazy busy and when we're not at his activities we're enjoying the benefits of living downtown - walking to the Science Center, enjoying the Urban Beach days (DJ, toys for the kids, food trucks, etc), festivals, and whatever else we can find to entertain ourselves (for FREE) on the weekends.

This weekend is the first in a looooong time that we have no real planned activities. Kieran has a baseball game on Saturday and Kendo on Sunday but there is no tournament, recital or family event to attend. I am hopeful this means we can get some of the house cleaned up since my mother-in-law is coming in a few weeks and the house is a complete disaster. Mostly that means picking up things and putting them away, recycling the five tons of paper we have from Kieran's worksheets from this school year and general cleaning. Oh, and giving the dog a bath. DEFINITELY giving the dog a bath.

Not much is new since my last post. Amelia is surprisingly slow at talking. She's got a lot of words but only recently started putting a few words together (Mommy, sit! Up, please!). I admit we've been bad about forcing her to use her words and Kieran just wants to help so he gets what she wants when she points or uses only one word. Now that I realize it, we'll fix that. I expect that she'll be quite talkative once she's got it down.

Her birthday is at the end of the month and I still don't know what I'm going to do. Ken will be out of town on her actual birthday and the weekend after that most folk are out of town for the fourth of July holiday. Don't know if I'll need to do two parties (one when Ken is here and one when he's out) or if we'll forge forward with the 6th knowing most folk won't make it. But I have to figure that out pretty quickly.

Kieran is looking forward to summer camp and we've got to get him set up quick too. I think he needs new shoes and possibly some swimsuits. I need to have him try those on this weekend. Hm. My weekend isn't looking so 'free' anymore...

After this weekend we have another crazy busy one next weekend, one more 'restful' weekend before true summer craziness sets in.

But I don't know that I'd trade the craziness of being busy for having nothing to do. While it can be frustrating to not have the time to get things done around the house, it is wonderful to be able to enjoy time with the family each and every weekend.

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