Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy (a few days late) 2nd Birthday Amelia

See? This is what happens when you're a second child. Sorry, kiddo, but you know that mom typically tells it like it is.

OK, this is more like what happens when your mom has a lot of craziness going on during the week and is only able to blog on the weekend while you're napping. By the way - keep up the whole napping thing. As long as you can. When you're a grown up, you start to miss it. Oh, and I get a lot done while you nap.

So, we did a small celebration at my mom's house before your actual birthday. On Thursday when you turned 2, you, me and Kieran all got to eat cake. Which was nice. Kieran made sure we sang to you (several times) and then you began singing to your cake. Right now when you see cake, you start saying "Happy...!" like you're going to begin the song. Seriously cute.

Anyway, I have no amazing wisdom to drop down from above. Just know that we all adore you, even Kieran who sometimes doesn't like what you do or gets annoyed by you. The cats have tolerated your attempts at petting quite well and your love of music is still strong.

This weekend with just you, me and your brother is fun. So far you two have been wonderful. Let me get the errands out of the way so that now all we have to do is play. The only thing I ask for your birthday is a little more sleeping in time. While your dad is gone, I set my alarm to 4:45 am. This is not an hour that my eyes should see, mind you. On Friday you did not even let me sleep that late. Today I managed a whole 15 minutes (enough time to shower and dress) before you awoke at 5. I guess, for now, I'll take it. But can you start imitating your brother and sleep in now and again?

That's all for now, my little girl. Happy second birthday.

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