Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's Been a Long Week... and it's Tuesday

Yesterday we had the big meeting with Kieran's school about his behavior this year. It has definitely deteriorated over the past few weeks, and then his incident with the older gentleman that he kicked.

So, the psychologist thinks he's doing this for attention (I'm not sold on this theory entirely but I do get it), but also agrees he is acting from boredom, frustration, etc. The teacher will try a new tactic with him - if he gets 3 'green' days in a row (no hitting, etc) he can dip into the toy jar she has in her classroom or he can do a short karate or tae kwan do demonstration to his class.

I made sure he understood that some of the best things to show would be block drills and before he showed anyone anything he should talk about how you're not supposed to use the moves at all on anyone else (somewhat ironic coming from him, I know).

At home for every 'double green' day he has (good at school and his after-care program) he gets dessert. We're also re-focused on his magnet board with rewards at the end of the week and motivating him to do things around the house, practice his piano, etc. If he gets 34 magnets in a week, he can get into the Bag of Mystery.

I also told him that if he was on green all week he could get a book from the book fair. He's pretty excited about that as his reading has taken off to the point where he now is responsible for turning his own light off at 8:30 (we put him to bed around 8 and he gets 1/2 an hour to read to himself). He is addicted to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books even though I know he can't really read all the words, he's doing a good job of trying.

Devin had knee surgery today. He is OK and resting now, recuperation will take 12 weeks, which will be very rough. Ken was beside himself until the vet said he was out of surgery and doing OK.

Amelia continues to amaze, she pooped on the potty once and then shunned the potty for awhile. Last night she sat on the potty before bath and peed right away (and when I told her she was going on the potty, she said "yay!"). Still not as verbal as I would like for her to be, but I know that's because we baby her so much.

OK back to work for me. Love to all, blog again eventually.

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