Monday, May 13, 2013

It Gets Easier, It Gets Harder

The kids grow so quickly and sometimes things seem so much easier than they did just a year ago. Then they seem harder. Then it seems about the same.

We had a really nice weekend with family. On Saturday Kieran and Ken got haircuts (and the stylist checked Mia's hair to see if it was time to cut - I have been worried about split ends) then we got new shoes for Amelia. After that we went over to my brother's house to celebrate my mom's birthday.

The kids had a great time and Amelia and Becca bonded. Becca does not mind that her only girl cousin is 9 years younger than her. She only cares that she finally got a girl cousin. Which is awesome. Becca and Mia spent a lot of time together playing drums, running back and forth between the kitchen and the living room and laughing. Kieran and Pete are like two peas in the pod and Kieran idolizes Pete (who I think enjoys not being the youngest kid and having a cousin who looks up to him so much). They talked about science and played a lot of Wii U.

Sunday was slightly crazy. Because we didn't get grocery shopping or anything else done on Saturday, I had to run to out Sunday morning. Ken had a small amount of work he needed to do. Amelia slept VERY poorly the night before (she went to bed at 9 PM and woke up nearly every hour all night long) so she stayed home with him to get a nap. Kieran did great for me at the store (which he hates going but was told that it was Mother's Day so he HAD to behave for me), we got back, unpacked groceries, then ran out to pick up my grandmother.

We had a wonderful brunch/lunch at Roy's in Baltimore (it's becoming our go-to place for large gatherings) with all the moms (my 2 moms, grandmother, sister-in-law, and her mom - oh, and me). Because we came before dinner they did not have dessert set and after dropping my grandmother back at home we went out for dessert at Afters (a frozen yogurt place). It was a very nice way to end our mother's day festivities.

Some funny things from the weekend.

Amelia is obsessed with shoes. After trying on a pair that fit fine, we asked her if she liked the shoes. She was emphatic in her "no!" We then had her try on another pair that she did like but then she refused to let go of her previous pair of shoes. Running around with them in her hands stating "My shoes!" to anyone who would listen. We are doomed when she's older and will demand multiple pairs (right now she's got one pair, which is all she really needs).

At brunch Ken ordered a Pina Colada. Kieran asked him if he was drinking a sundae. I responded that it was not, it was an alcoholic beverage. Kieran said "That sounds good!" Um, no.

That's all for now. Blog again eventually. Hope you had a wonderful mothers day as well.

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