Monday, April 15, 2013

Take the Good with the Bad

And when it's bad, it's really really bad.

Kieran was OK this weekend, not great. He's been having some issues with listening (again) but overall did well. He also had a moment with another kid (who kicked him) where he lashed out instead of leaving or getting an adult. But then he played beautifully with his sister. He practiced his piano. He read books to other kids.

Then this morning, I don't know what got into him. He was fine with me though again not listening as he should have. He got dressed, brushed teeth and went potty quickly and was downstairs in a reasonable amount of time. Ken took him to school and reported all was well.

I saw on my caller ID that it was Baltimore City calling. I knew that could only be his school. He had kicked and hit (with his umbrella) an adult. Because the adult smelled bad (in Kieran's words 'he stinks'). This person did nothing to him, did not hurt him, talk to him or look at him. I'm so unbelievably disappointed in him at this moment. I really thought I had raised him better than this. At a complete loss, we'll be taking things away (again), discussing with his martial arts teachers and taking away any and all electronic devices. He's going to have this on his permanent school record, he's getting 2 days of after-school detention. I don't know why after a spate of good behavior, he's starting back up again. I'm not sure what's setting him off. All I know is that right now I want to throttle him, whup his butt - none of which I will actually do. I will keep on the path of rewards and punishment we've done before. I'll readdress (and keep up with) his magnet chart.

Beyond disappointed and trying to keep the picture of the child who protected his little sister and helped her climb up the slide over the weekend in my mind as I battle with what he's doing at school.

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