Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Three Months, Wow

Three months ago today, we officially became parents (according to my brother who says you're not really a parent unless you have more than one kid).

It has been a strange ride so far and I feel as though we're slowly slogging to the surface of what will become our normal life. Kieran is adjusting to school though he hates wearing a uniform. During his second week, he proclaimed "I kept looking for somebody beautiful on the playground, but no one was beautiful. They were all wearing the same thing." He is, however, beginning to make friends and we've gone from him saying "At my old school we (fill in more fun activity here)." to "It's just like my old school." Today they took a field trip to the library and he got to bring his library card and next month he takes his first bus field trip to a farm. I think with that type of activity he'll start to enjoy his new school more and more. The kids in his class and his aftercare program know him well. I've been walking him home only to hear from the other side of the fence "Kieran, Kieran - bye!"

I'm back at work and adjusting to having to take off quite a bit of time (already) with a public school. Amelia still enjoys daycare (as far as I can tell, anyway) and has begun giving us HUGE smiles. She's also liking her dad quite a bit - she coos for him while he sings to her and gives lots of smiles.

She smiles for me (and also at my boobs, prompting quite a bit of laughter from anyone who has witnessed the 'happy boobie look') and coos a lot. Better at riding in the car, though still not her favorite thing. Each night we have a meltdown around bedtime (8 pm for them both - but Mia is the one that melts, not Kieran), but now that we realize it's her natural bedtime, it's easier to anticipate and get prepared to put her to sleep.

OK, just thought I'd do a quick post on her official 3 month birthday. Love to all, blog again... whenever.

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