Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Few Words About Kids

Kids are awesome, entertaining and completely exhausting. Having two is an experience and a juggling act that I would not trade for the world.

Amelia is finally sleeping soundly in her crib every night. A huge blessing. She does not cry when I drop her off at daycare, but loves to just look around at the world. This makes it MUCH easier for me to leave and get to work. Unfortunately, she's not being kind to Ken. Right now she cries quite a bit when he holds her at night, but I think it's just the equation of boobies = person who can feed me. Even though he's given her a few bottles, she's not sold. We'll keep working on that.

Kieran is starting to enjoy school and has begun making a few friends in the neighborhood. I've gotten better about trying to put playdates in place for him on days when he'd otherwise be idle (school is closed, weekend, etc). This week schools were closed on Tuesday for the primary election, so I put together a long-awaited playdate between Kieran and my cousin's son Eli. Eli's a year younger than Kieran, but they play fairly well together. Eli has a little sister, Sunny, who is about 6 months older than Amelia. Ken had taken Amelia to daycare so I could spend the day just with Kieran.

We all headed to the Science Center where the boys had a blast and Sunny enjoyed looking around. After a quick lunch, we started home and it was naptime for Eli and Sunny. Kieran was upset that the playdate didn't last longer. Katie (Eli's mom) told Kieran that maybe after a nap they would be able to play again (she meant another day, but both Kieran and Eli took it to mean THAT day). They both were a bit upset when they realized they wouldn't have the whole day together. We'll definitely get them together again soon.

After some downtime at home, Kieran and I walked to the library. Along the way, we ran into some neighbors that Kieran's played with before, Conner and Dylan (and their mom, Michelle). Kieran got very excited as he played and whispered to me "They live here!". I was confused, since he's been to their house once before, but smiled and said that yes, they did. Michelle and I talked while the boys played. After awhile Kieran asked Michelle if Eli was done napping. I then realized that Michelle and Katie look a little bit alike. Same color hair and close to the same haircut and their clothes that day were similar.

I explained that this wasn't Katie, but Michelle - Conner and Dylan's mom. Michelle suggested we set up a playdate for the boys at some point in the future (we'll be sure to see them this weekend at the Streat Beet festival's moon bounce) and I agreed. Kieran looked a bit embarrassed and whispered in my ear "I thought she had just changed her shirt."

At least he's making friends, even if he can't keep their moms straight.

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