Wednesday, September 07, 2011

School Daze

So, back at work for one full day and then today... disaster. Everything was going fine until I get an email saying the power is out and there will not be an afterschool program. Kieran's school lets out at 2:20, the email came in at 1:45. I could not get a hold of Ken, so no idea if he could pick up Amelia or Kieran.

Frantically, I race out of the office, pick up Mia in record time and race towards home. Thankfully, Ken was already home and was able to get Kieran right on time (I would have been about 10 mins late). But it highlights something we have to deal with - the fact that we have no backup plan for his afterschool program. Am now working on this.

On a separate note, Mia seems to be doing fairly well at daycare. Granted, she's only been there a day and a half, but she seems to like her caregivers and they sent me a photo today (posted it on FB) just because they wanted me to see she was doing well. She does a lot of sleeping on the boppy pillow and doesn't seem to sleep for long periods of time there (yet), but she didn't cry when I brought her in today.

Mostly we're all adjusting this week to me being back at work. The funniest thing happening right now is that while Amelia is not farting as much as she used to, Kieran is blaming his farts on her. I can't help it... that's just funny.

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