Monday, May 16, 2011

Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days

I've been a bad blogging mom. And by that, I mean I realize I haven't blogged in nearly a month. Not much is new or changed, but we've finally made some progress. Our 3rd floor bedroom should be move-in ready this coming weekend. That means Ken and I get to move upstairs, Kieran moves to our room next weekend and we can set up the nursery after that. WHEW. Then, hopefully, we can finish getting rid of all the junk piled around our house everywhere.

I tried to make headway on that front this past weekend. Signed us up for a community yard sale (since we technically have no yard, this was more like a "park sale" where people in the neighborhood came to a park to sell their wares). We only broke even (spent $10 to rent a table) because of the rainy weather but we did get to go to Goodwill afterwards and dump everything that didn't sell, so a little progress made.

Other than that, things aren't much different. Work is crazy, Kieran is awesome (though alternatingly frustrating as well), Ken is doing better - his foot is healing and he can cycle and swim again.

Kieran did have his first camping trip and loved it. He is insisting that he get to go fishing on his next trip and we'll see if we can't invite any and all relatives to make it a cousin-extravaganza in addition to camping fun. I will still keep my tush at home and "rough" it by cleaning house while they're gone.

Finally, I do not yet have a due date for Girl Gauvey. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and may get a date then. Either way, I'm a little less than 2 months from the original due date - 7/11/11. I can't wait to be done being pregnant, but I don't know that I'm ready to have a baby in the house again.

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