Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Poor Kieran has yet to have a t-ball game. We've had four scheduled so far and every single one has been cancelled because of bad weather. Maybe Saturday will be the day... who knows?

We had some wonderful Passover dinners this week, Sunday with my mom's side of the family and Monday with my dad's side. Kieran had a blast both days and has a new fan in Eli, my cousin's little boy (2 years old and as tall as Kieran). The two of them had oodles of fun running around like crazy and I hope to get them together again soon.

Sunday the easter bunny will visit with a great basket for us... I mean Kieran. He already got his easter cards and gifts from Grandma and Gma (money and chocolates - thanks!). I have tomorrow off for Good Friday and Kieran and I are going to head to Gma's house to make some no-bake cookies and maybe some macaroons. If it's nice out in the morning, we may hit the zoo first for their easter egg hunt since Saturday's egg hunt is too close to game time.

Swimming is still big for Kieran and though he didn't have a class this past Sunday we went to the Y anyway where he swam by himself for an hour. I'm going to have to get myself a maternity swimsuit so I can go into the water with him. Good thing our pool is indoors or that activity might have been cancelled too.

OK, gotta jet. Love to all blog again soon.

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