Monday, April 04, 2011

The Craziness Continues

Not much is new in the Gauvey household. I'm going crazy with all the junk we have piled everywhere (that's what happens when you have a bedroom you use only for storage) from the renovation. Plus the dust and dirt from the work. To make matters (slightly) worse, Ken hurt his foot and needs to stay off his feet as much as possible, so we're not getting much done by the way of cleaning.

This doesn't really affect Kieran much at all, although I have noticed an increased tendency from him not to put his toys away. He used to be very good about it. Ah, well, I do have hope that within a month or so we'll be back to relative normalcy (along with a cleaner house). Part of it is on me, I get so tired that I don't have much left to do housework when I get home. I need to carve out some additional time to do this because it truly is driving me crazy.

Kieran continues to amaze with some of the things he'll do. He surprised Ken & I on Sunday by jumping off the diving platform at swim class without holding anyone's hand (last time he refused to go without holding the teacher's hand and then only did it once). He'll probably go for another round of Eel classes since we missed two of the six weeks this time around.

Saturday was his first t-ball practice and Kieran had a great time, even if he was a little figdet-y. He is at least a full head shorter than everyone else on his team, but I have sneaking suspicion he is also the youngest kid on the team as well. He did great hitting the ball (got a few "oohs" and "nice" from the adults on his first big hit), also did good at catching grounders, but we'll need to work on catching fly balls and throwing to someone else on the team. He loved every minute of it, so I'm not worried - I know he'll pick it all up quickly.

That's about it for now. Love to all, blog again soon.

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