Thursday, March 24, 2011


Having him be able to carry on conversations is a riot. Some of the things that are making HIM laugh these days include:

Saying the words "Pineapple", "Asparagus", or "Poopy". Of course any bathroom word could be substituted for poopy - including butt, poop, and toilet.

Making up words. The other day he told me the Spanish word for something was "Areja". Then he said it was "Arepa". I asked if he was making the word up. He fessed up and said he was.

Talking to my belly and getting a baby voice response. I'm not sure if I've created a monster or not with this one. Kieran had been hugging my belly and talking to his sister and one day I responded in a high-pitched voice. This made him laugh so hard that he now asks me to do the baby voice. I can't lie... it is funny.

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